Mar 16, 2023

AmCham Quiz Night 2023

AmCham Quiz Night, the annual intellectual entertainment game, was held on March 16, 2023, which brought together twenty teams of members of the American Chamber of Commerce including a team from LEX Law Firm.

The quiz game was aimed at developing erudition, expanding knowledge, strengthening corporate spirit, and bringing participants together. AmCham Quiz Night is an interactive quiz consisting of seven rounds.

As a result of the game, the third honorary place was won by the team of “Bakai Bank” OJSC, the second by the team of “Dos-Credobank” OJSC, and the winner of the quiz game was the team of “M-Vector Kyrgyzstan”. Our sincere congratulations to the winners of the game!

Lex Law Firm is also very grateful to the American Chamber of Commerce for organizing such a useful event at a high level!